On the 25th of August 2008, 17 years old Vlad Danciu was victim of a terrible accident while returning from Mombasa to Nairobi. Although he survived the crash, Vlad died of his injuries at the Mtito Andei dispensary a couple of hours later, waiting for appropriate medical assistance...
He left behind a grieving family and friends who are determined to do their best to ensure that future victims on the perilious Mombasa-Nairobi road get a chance to survive. Such is our motivation!
This Foundation is dedicated to Vlad and to all victims of Kenyan road accidents.
The aim of the Vlad Danciu Memorial Foundation is to contribute to the prevention efforts to avoid unnecessary road accident deaths in Kenya by putting in place First aid and Trauma facilities, starting with the very busy Nairobi – Mombasa motorway.
We urge and encourage everybody to join in our efforts and to share with us the joy of helping people when they need it the most!