Each year, thousands of people lose their lives in fatal road traffic crashes and more than 16 000 with wounds injuries.
The number of road accidents fatalities across the country was 3707 in 2020 compared to 4347 by mid December 2021, the highest in five years, representing a 17.3 per cent increase.
Twice as many are permanently disabled by injuries sustained during accidents, the majority being vulnerable road users – pedestrians, motor/cyclists and those using unsafe forms of public transportation. Kenya ranks among the top 20 most dangerous countries for road fatalities.
These staggering numbers must be seen in full impact, deep family tragedies and unimaginable grief. The anguish caused by lifetime disabilities, loss of working capacity, and the tremendous health and economic costs to the nation at large.
Given that most Kenyans cannot afford health, life insurance, or social security coverage, the consequence of involvement in a road accident has dramatic consequences for the entire family. Poverty reduction cannot become a reality if billions are spent on the aftermath of preventable road accidents.
For Kenya to achieve its 2030 vision aspirations of poverty eradication, road safety must be given priority.
2022 -2025 GOAL !
Implement Emergency Ambulances for First Aid and transportation of injured to nearest hospital